Over the Rainbow Events

  • Over the Rainbow: "Happy Gut" Webinar

    10:00am – 11:00am

    HART is back and ready to teach us all about how good food can impact not just the well being of our gastrointestinal systems, but how a healthy gut can impact the health of the rest of our bodies. Learn tips and tricks to maintaining or caring for a healthy microbiome, gut-healthy foods, and practices that can be incorporated into everyday living to heal our bodies.


  • Over the Rainbow: Centre on Aging Research Symposium

    9:00am – 4:00pm

    On Wednesday, May 8th, the University of Manitoba's Centre on Aging is holding their spring research symposium, an all-day event where academics and folks in the field and community come together to hear the latest in research and studies on aging in a social and scientific context! This event is open to all, virtually or in-person and runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., below is the link to register for the virtual attendance. Feel welcome to attend for as long or as little as you'd like! Please note that virtual Coffee & Chat will be cancelled for this day! Thanks!


  • Over the Rainbow Coffee and Chat Live!

    10:00am – 12:00pm

    How do you take your Coffee & Chat? If in-person with "real people" is your preference, come down to the Centre (545 Broadway) every Thursday from 10 - 12. If you're 2SLGBTQ+ and 55+, come meet new friends, or reconnect with familiar faces. No need to register. See you there.

  • Over the Rainbow: Intergenerational Plant Walk

    12:00pm – 3:00pm

    Back in March, we were honoured to host Metis Plant Knowledge Keeper Jenna Vandal for an indoor plant workshop about Indigenous Plants of Treaty 1 Territory, and now, Jenna is back to bring the teaching outdoors! On Saturday, May 11th, Jenna will be leading us on a walk at the Living Prairie Museum to identify plants of the Indigenous Tall Grass Prairie. Bring your plant identification books, walking shoes, a hat and sunscreen as we venture into this pristine piece of preserved land. Does a walk sound like a bit too much outside your comfort zone? Well, you can still join us! The Living Prairie Museum will be opening it's doors for us to come inside and view their space and look at their collections from indoors. Folks are welcome to traverse the space and program as to their comfort level - if you'd like to sit in the sunshine and take in the scenery, that's okay too! The purpose of this programming is to engage with the land, and learn from it. As Jenna said at the last workshop, "When we learn about the land and understand it, we fight to protect it.". So, show up however you like and participate however you choose. If you plan to walk the trails, please be mindful of the weather and take any environmental precautions such as hats, sunscreen, bug spray, comfortable walking shoes, layers to warm up or cool down as needed, and bringing along water and any necessary medications/devices. Maddy and I will have some bottled water and snacks with us in case folks need to hydrate or have some food! To register, please fill out the form below, and note that, due to the narrow trails, there is only space for around 8-10 folks to walk with Jenna at one time. This outing is intergenerational, meaning that folks of all ages are welcome to attend, but priority registration will be given to those ages 10 to 21, and 55+.


  • Over the Rainbow Coffee and Chat (Virtual)

    10:00am – 12:00pm

    How do you take your Coffee & Chat? If virtual is your preference, join us each Wednesday morning for OTR's most popular weekly event, the Virtual Coffee & Chat. It's one of the best ways to connect with Manitoba's 55+ 2SLGBTQ+ community. Come for the chatter - stay for the laughter. To learn how to connect email OTR@rainbowresourcecentre.org

  • Over the Rainbow Coffee and Chat Live!

    10:00am – 12:00pm

    How do you take your Coffee & Chat? If in-person with "real people" is your preference, come down to the Centre (545 Broadway) every Thursday from 10 - 12. If you're 2SLGBTQ+ and 55+, come meet new friends, or reconnect with familiar faces. No need to register. See you there.

  • Over the Rainbow: Stroke Prevention Workshop

    10:00am – 11:00am

    A rescheduled event! Strokes occur when blood flow to the brain is reduced of blocked - when this happens, a number of symptoms can quickly follow: numbness/paralysis on one side of the body/face, slurred speech, headache, vision-impairment, nausea, etc. Learn from the experts at HART on how to be prepared in the event that you or someone around you has a stroke, and how to take preventative measures to reduce your risk of having a stroke or clot and about general brain health.


  • Over the Rainbow Coffee and Chat (Virtual)

    10:00am – 12:00pm

    How do you take your Coffee & Chat? If virtual is your preference, join us each Wednesday morning for OTR's most popular weekly event, the Virtual Coffee & Chat. It's one of the best ways to connect with Manitoba's 55+ 2SLGBTQ+ community. Come for the chatter - stay for the laughter. To learn how to connect email OTR@rainbowresourcecentre.org

  • Over the Rainbow Coffee and Chat Live!

    10:00am – 12:00pm

    How do you take your Coffee & Chat? If in-person with "real people" is your preference, come down to the Centre (545 Broadway) every Thursday from 10 - 12. If you're 2SLGBTQ+ and 55+, come meet new friends, or reconnect with familiar faces. No need to register. See you there.

  • Over the Rainbow Coffee and Chat (Virtual)

    10:00am – 12:00pm

    How do you take your Coffee & Chat? If virtual is your preference, join us each Wednesday morning for OTR's most popular weekly event, the Virtual Coffee & Chat. It's one of the best ways to connect with Manitoba's 55+ 2SLGBTQ+ community. Come for the chatter - stay for the laughter. To learn how to connect email OTR@rainbowresourcecentre.org